Grow Your Food Brand with Less Risk – Cloud Kitchen | Shared Kitchen Rental

Cloud Kitchen in Dubai

Cloud kitchens are unmarked food production and delivery hubs without any dine-in facility in discreet and lower rent urban locations

Grow your restaurant Or Food Brand with lower risk and higher return Cloud Kitchen | Shared Kitchen Rental

Affordable commercial Haccp Certified kitchens made to simplify food delivery

Capitalize on a market opportunity that’s only growing

The food delivery revolution has made way for cloud kitchen, a business model that promises to optimize and expand delivery services at minimal cost.

Cloud kitchens are also known as ghost kitchens, commissary kitchens, and virtual kitchens.

But what exactly is a cloud kitchen? And what could it mean for your business?

While cloud kitchens rent their space to F&B companies as a cheaper way to make food

for their on-demand delivery customers, Grain works with its own chefs, menu and delivery team.

The cloud kitchen phenomenon is taking over especially as COVID-19 is making it almost

impossible for F&B outlet to thrive or at least survive

Working together with Deli Bite Catering delivers “high-quality home-dining experiences at scale.”

You cook, we’ll do the rest

Our kitchens come with all the pieces of the operations puzzle, so you can focus on the food

Real estate

Commercial kitchens and storage space, designed  to help you run your delivery business with maximum efficiency and minimal cost

Proprietary technology

Manage all your delivery orders from one tablet, and leverage the data to plan your supply chain and labor needs based on demand.

Logistics and fulfillment

Your orders are delivered faster and more accurately, thanks to our on-site fulfillment team that handles all of the logistics for you.

Facility management

We’ll take care of the cleaning,  maintenance, and security – so you can focus on the food.

Don’t have your own Dubai Trade license to sell your Food Concept ?

Contact us to share ours and get selling today! We serve those who serve others

A Licensed Co-Working Kitchen for All Your Professional Needs. An Affordable On Demand Kitchen Space for Aspiring Chefs and Ambitious Startups.

Delivery-Only Kitchens in Top Locations.

Make Better Margins With a Delivery-Only Kitchen.

Customized Kitchens. Request More Information.

We Offer Customized Kitchens, We Provide Our Services at Ultra-Low Upfront Costs

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers

Phone | What’s app :- UAE +(971) 564160007 E.

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